Increase Customer Engagement
Up to 50% with Chatbot

Chatbot helps you to build customer engagement instantly and manage order automatically across various platforms.
Easy implementation, no coding required.
Book Your Demo

Why Chatbot Solution?

Reduce Cost Up to 30%
Chatbot can help save operational costs for your customer service whilst still increasing the productivity of your team.
Effortless Marketing Engagement
Reach out customers easily and let chatbot help you to convert your leads into loyal customers.
Reliable Support
Chatbots can be wherever and whenever your customers are and always ready to solve any issues.
Boost Your Sales
Skyrocket your revenue growth by generating and qualifying leads automatically with chatbot.

Chatbot + Omnichannel = Powerful Combo

The Easiest Way to Improve Your Support

Build your own chatbot and integrate it into every channel to manage all conversations in just one dashboard.

Customizable Automated Messages to Meet Your Customers’ Needs

Create your own template to greet customers and fulfill their needs based on frequently asked questions.

Seamless Agent Takeover

Balance automation with the human touch. Allow seamless transfer from chatbot to your agents when needed.


How do I register for a chatbot free trial?

You can go to our website or contact us at WhatsApp to register a chatbot free trial

What channels do chatbot supports?

Our chatbot is omnichannel, which means you can implement chatbot to various channels that you use, such as:
Instagram DM
Twitter DM
Facebook Messenger
Live chat on your website

What types of chatbot can be integrated into OneTalk platform?

FAQ Chatbot and Custom Chatbot can be integrated into OneTalk platform.

How to implement chatbot?

You can implement chatbot strategy successfully by following this step:
Gather information about your target audience from a variety of sources.
Plan the type of chatbot, and what the bot is going to do to meet customer expectations.
Select a platform & choose a third-party vendor to create a great chatbot experience.
Check if the chatbot works with supervision & improve it further.
Launch your chatbot & monitor its activity in terms of customer engagement and user types.

How to implement a chatbot in WhatsApp?

Choose a third-party vendor to create a chatbot platform, like
Make sure you have access to WhatsApp Business API to deploy chatbots on WhatsApp.
Setup and connect your WhatsApp business account on
Configure WhatsApp. 
Test your WhatsApp chatbot.

Build Your Own Chatbot, Now!

  • Step One

    Insert the questions into the template that we have provided.
  • Step Two

    For list of repetitive questions and answers, you can choose the Q&A type.
  • Step Two

    Insert the questions inaFor more complex queries, you can choose the Agent Assignment Bot the template that we have provided.
  • Step Three

    All Set!
    Chatbot is now ready to use.

Level Up Your Business with Chatbot!

Contact Form Solution
Contact Form Solution tab and mobile
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(021) 58908179
(021) 58908182
Business Park Kebon Jeruk, Blok C2-3, Jl. Meruya Ilir Raya No.88, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, 11520
In-App Chat SDK
OTP Via WhatsApp
Instagram DM API
Retail / Commerce
Health & Beauty
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